英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Manchester Grammar School
















 9-16歲,  測試


英中部 曼徹斯特





其 它:

  10-15%考入牛劍  需提前一年申請




   ► 現(xiàn)在申請




曼徹斯特文理中學(xué)(曼徹斯特文理學(xué)校)The Manchester Grammar School于1515年由埃克塞特大主教Hugh Oldham創(chuàng)辦,推廣“信仰與學(xué)習(xí)”。并于1931年搬遷至法洛菲爾德,并建立現(xiàn)在的校區(qū)。我校近年來新增了一所全新的中學(xué)樓,一套設(shè)備齊全的戲劇室和體育館。操場緊鄰教學(xué)樓,整個校園占地36英畝。每年約有200名新生入讀我校,均來自西北地區(qū)不同的家庭。我校學(xué)生成績優(yōu)異,每年有相當(dāng)一部分畢業(yè)生升讀牛劍。我校為學(xué)生提供傳統(tǒng),全面及適合學(xué)生的課程。我校開設(shè)A-Level和IB課程。我校歡迎不同宗教信仰的學(xué)生入讀,同時,我校要求學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)宗教這么課程。音樂,戲劇,藝術(shù)和設(shè)計是我校傳統(tǒng)優(yōu)勢學(xué)科。我校體育成績優(yōu)異,并為學(xué)生提供豐富的社團生活。我校多名學(xué)生更是不同體育項目的郡代表。我校多名學(xué)生獲得The Duke of Edinburgh獎項(2015年38名學(xué)生獲得金獎)。我校更帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生積極參與社區(qū)活動。


Martin Boulton博士,從2013年開始任職。曾就讀于本校,畢業(yè)于諾丁漢大學(xué)(采礦工程專業(yè))和曼切斯特大學(xué)(研究生教育證書)。教職員: 192名全職老師。


GCSE/IGCSE: 167名11年級學(xué)生參加統(tǒng)考,所有學(xué)生獲得8門以上的C(92%的學(xué)生獲得A)。A-level/IB: 193名13年級學(xué)生,參加A-Level統(tǒng)考的所有學(xué)生通過3門以上的學(xué)科,平均分是420分。參加IB統(tǒng)考的學(xué)生,平均分是37.6分。




所有學(xué)生必修體育,多達(dá)15項體育運動供學(xué)生選擇:足球,橄欖球,柔道,潛水和高爾夫等。多名學(xué)生更是橄欖球,游泳,足球,板球,乒乓球和越野運動的地區(qū)代表和國家代表。學(xué)生每年獲得Duke of Edinburgh獎項 (2015年38名學(xué)生獲得金獎); 我校開設(shè)社區(qū)服務(wù); 我校與附近的學(xué)校緊密互動; 我校每年為本地和國家慈善活動籌款 (2015年籌得6萬英鎊)。我校在中學(xué)開設(shè)150多個社團(其中70個社團在小學(xué)部開設(shè)),包括哲學(xué)社,辯論社,天文社,航空社和攀巖社等。


Sir William Barlow (英國郵局局長); Lord (Geoffrey) Tordoff (自由民主黨黨員); Sir Ben Kingsley, Robert Powell (演員); Sir Nicholas Hytner (英國國家劇院院長); Professor Sir Michael Atiyah (數(shù)學(xué)家); Alan Garner (兒童作家); Sir Howard Davies (倫敦政經(jīng)學(xué)院主任); Martin Sixsmith (記者); Mike Atherton (板球運動員); John Crawley (前政府間氣候變化專門委員會委員); Paul Ormerod (經(jīng)濟學(xué)家和作家); Sir Walter Bodmer (遺傳學(xué)者), Michael Crick (《新聞之夜》政治部編輯); Stanley Fink (對沖基金董事長和慈善家); Michael Wood (歷史學(xué)家); Dr Rangan Chatterjee (醫(yī)生); Faisal Islam (記者和廣播員)

學(xué)校類型: 男校,中學(xué),小學(xué)
地址: The Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester M13 0XT
郵編: M13 0XT
地區(qū): 曼切斯特
電話: 0161 224 7201 轉(zhuǎn) 243
官網(wǎng): www.mgs.org
學(xué)生人數(shù): 共1740人, 13年級共193人

School: Manchester Grammar
School Type: Boys, Junior and Senior
The Manchester Grammar School, Old Hall Lane, Manchester M13 0XT
Postcode: M13 0XT
Region: Manchester (Greater)
Telephone: 0161 224 7201 ext 243
Website: www.mgs.org
Gender: Boys
Pupils: 1740, Upper sixth 193

Founded in 1515 by Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter, to promote ‘godliness and good learning’. It moved in 1931 to Fallowfield where it grew to its present size. The buildings have been constantly added to – recently a new junior school, a well-equipped theatre and drama studios, and a sports hall; facilities are excellent. The playing fields are adjacent and the whole area covers 36 acres. Each year about 200 boys join, from widely differing backgrounds and from a broad area of the north-west. Intellectually and academically very high-powered, its examination results are consistently excellent and very large numbers go on to Oxbridge. A well-qualified teaching staff provides all pupils with a broad, traditional and flexible curriculum. It now offers the International Baccalaureate alongside traditional A-levels. All the major religions are represented in the school and religious studies, taught as an academic discipline, forms a fundamental part of the curriculum. It is very strong in music, drama, art and design. An excellent range of games and sports is offered, in which high standards are attained. There is a vast and diverse range of co-curricular opportunities and many boys represent the country in various disciplines. The Duke of Edinburgh programme is strong (38 Gold Awards in 2015). There is considerable emphasis on outdoor pursuits and the school owns sites in the Peak District, Grasmere and South Stainmore in Cumbria. Local community schemes are active.

School Head: High Master: Dr Martin Boulton, in post from 2013. Educated at Derby School in Bury and Manchester Grammar School, and at the universities of Nottingham (mining engineering) and Manchester (PGCE). Previously Under Master (Deputy Head) at Westminster School and taught at Sherborne. Prior to teaching, he worked in the mining industry for DeBeers and in corporate finance for Arthur Andersen. Teaching staff: 192 full-time.

Results: GCSE/IGCSE: 167 pupils in fifth, all gaining at least grade C (92% grade A) in 8+ subjects. A-level/IB: 193 pupils in upper sixth. All those taking AS/A-levels passed in 3+ subjects with an average final points score of 420; of those taking the IB, all gained the diploma with an average of 37.6 IB points.

Furtherhigher: 98% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course, 15% to Oxbridge and some to Ivy League universities eg Harvard and Yale. 13% take courses in medicine, 27% in science, maths and engineering, 50% in humanities and social sciences; a few go on to art or music colleges or straight into careers.

Sport: All boys take part in timetabled games. Some 15+ sports offered, including football, rugby, judo, diving and golf. Regional and national representatives in many sports eg rugby, swimming, football, cricket, table tennis and cross-country. Also Duke of Edinburgh (38 Gold Awards in 2015); community service; links with local SEND schools and inner-city community schemes; annual fund-raising activities for local and national charities (Σ60,000 raised in 2015). More than 150 clubs and societies in Senior School (70 in Junior School), eg philosophy, debating, war hammer, astronomical, aviation, climbing.

Alumni: Old Mancunians’ Association, has many regional sections. Contact via the Development Office Secretary, Mrs Jane Graham, c/o the school.

Formerpupils: Sir William Barlow (chairman of the Post Office); Lord (Geoffrey) Tordoff (Lib Dem politician); Sir Ben Kingsley, Robert Powell (actors); Sir Nicholas Hytner (director of the National Theatre); Professor Sir Michael Atiyah (mathematics); Alan Garner (children’s author); Sir Howard Davies (former Chairman of FSA and director of the LSE); Martin Sixsmith (journalist); Mike Atherton (cricketer); John Crawley (former IPCC commissioner); Paul Ormerod (economist and writer); Sir Walter Bodmer (geneticist), Michael Crick (political editor of Newsnight); Stanley Fink (hedge-fund chief executive and philanthropist); Michael Wood (historian); Dr Rangan Chatterjee (doctor); Faisal Islam (journalist and broadcaster).

University Destinations 2016


Institution 大學(xué) Number人數(shù)
Oxford and Cambridge 22
                   (Oxford) 13
                   (Cambridge) 9
Nottingham 15
Birmingham 6
Manchester 4
London Universities 29
                   (UCL) 10
                   (Imperial) 6
                   (LSE) 5
                   (KCL) 8
Leeds 15
Durham 6
Bristol 16
St Andrews 2
US/Canada 1
Others 56