英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Sydenham High School GDST







Sydenham High School GDST 賽德姆高中 ,
19 Westwood Hill, Sydenham, London SE26 6BL Tel: 020 8768 8000 (8003 for prospectus)
Fax: 020 8768 8002
• GIRLS, 4–18 Day
• Pupils 710 Upper sixth 50
• Termly fees £2243–£2883
• Enquiries/application to the Headteacher

What it’s like

Founded in 1887, it occupies a leafy 6-acre site well served by public transport, allowing pupils to attend from a wide catchment area. The main building is a handsome Victorian house to which has been added modern purpose-built premises which provide excellent facilities, most recently a fine new ICT suite. The declared aim is to provide opportunities to develop the potential of every individual. Academic standards are good, as are examination results. There is a diversity of music-making and opportunities for those of any level of expertise; pupils perform in school, nationally and internationally. Drama is popular and there is a variety of productions. Excellent on-site facilities provide for a wide range of sports and games (supplemented by access to the National Sports Centre at Crystal Palace) and there have been many representatives at county and national level in hockey, netball, tennis, diving, gymnastics and fencing. A variety of extra-curricular activities is available. A responsibility to the wider community is encouraged through the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and charity work.

School profile

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
Some academic scholarships and bursaries, at 11 and 16. Parents not expected to buy textbooks or pay GCSE/A-level exam entry fees etc.

Head & staff

Headteacher: Mrs Kathryn Pullen, in post from 2002. Educated at Warwick University (English & American literature) and Institute of Education (MA curriculum studies). Previously Deputy Head at the school, Head of English & Drama at Glenthorne High School, Head of English at St Saviour’s & St Olave’s.
Teaching staff: 44 full time, 15 part time. Annual turnover approx 9%.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 58 in Year 11, 98% gaining at least grade C in 8+ subjects. Average GCSE score 61 (56 over 5 years).
A-levels: 51 in Year 13, passing an average of 4 subjects (including general studies), with a final point score of 336.

University & college entrance
98% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (16% after a gap year). 5% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 25% in science & engineering, 65% in humanities & social sciences, 5% in art & design and vocational subjects eg hotel management. Others typically go on to vocational courses, to art or music colleges.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 20 subjects offered at GCSE, 21 to A-level.
Sixth form: New horizons general studies programme for Year 12; AS-level optional.
Languages: French, German and Spanish offered at GCSE, AS and A-level; also language conversation classes for all sixth form. Regular exchanges.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons a week) and across the curriculum. All pupils take GCSE (full or short course). 70 computers for pupil use (all day in lessons, 3 hours own use), all networked and with e-mail and internet access; separate suites for sixth form and for Years 10–11.

The arts

Music: Most pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Musical groups including orchestra, chamber group, jazz band, flute group, wind band, wind ensemble, string ensemble, choirs. Prizes in Beckenham Festival; girls sing in Ernest Read Choir, Bach Choir; students have won place at Royal College of Music.
Drama & dance: Both offered. GCSE drama and A-level theatre studies, ESB, LAMDA exams may be taken. Pupils are involved in a range of school productions.
Art & design: On average, 30 take GCSE, 15 AS-level and 8 A-level; design, technology, pottery, textiles, photography also offered. Art college applications always successful.

Sport & activities

Sport: Gym, netball, hockey, dance, swimming, athletics, rounders, tennis, volleyball, netball compulsory at different ages. Optional: fencing, trampolining, squash, racket-ball, aerobics, badminton, self-defence, basketball. GCSE, BAGA exams may be taken. Pupils in national gymnastics squad, county tennis and district hockey teams; regional diving champion; teams successful in London Schools trampolining and national fencing championships.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service optional: stress on charity activities, both in school and participation in national events. Up to 20 clubs, eg gourmet cookery, Japanese, computer, Christian Discovery, textiles, debating, Amnesty group.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn except in the sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Prefects, head girl, elected by staff and peers. School Council.
Religion: Non-denominational assembly compulsory.
Social: Organised ski trips, water sports holidays, French exchanges; cultural visits to eg Seville, Athens, Pompeii/Naples; biology/geography field trips and music tours. Sixth form allowed to bring own car to school. Meals self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework once would discuss the problem with the teachers; consistent failure to produce work would incur a detention and report home. Those caught with drugs on the premises could expect temporary exclusion then permanent exclusion.

Alumni association
Mrs Jenny Holmes, 1 Shelford Rise, London SE19 2PX.

Former pupils
Kathleen Halpin; Margaret Lockwood; Winifred Gérin; Professor Elizabeth Anscombe.