英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Warminster School







Warminster School 沃敏斯特中學,沃敏斯特學校,Warminster,
Wiltshire BA12 8PJ
Tel: 01985 210100 Fax: 01985 214129
Website: www.warminsterschool.org.uk
• CO-ED, 3–18 Day, 8–18 Boarding (full & weekly)
• Pupils 650, Upper sixth 60
• Termly fees £2295–£3045 (Day), £4300–£5300 (Boarding)
• Enquiries/application to the Headmaster


Formed in 1973 by the amalgamation of two single-sex schools, the Lord Weymouth School (founded 1707) and the School of St Monica (founded 1874). Its handsome and well-equipped buildings lie in beautiful gardens and grounds, facing open country on the edge of the very attractive old town. The school has long-established and close links with the town and the locality where it enjoys strong support. The prep school is on a neighbouring site. A friendly school with the declared aim of developing the potential and recognising the value of all pupils. More than half the school is involved in music and about 120 pupils learn an instrument. A large number is engaged in dramatic activities and there is a strong design department. It has a high reputation in sport and games (a number of representatives at county and national level); there is also a strong CCF contingent, a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, a substantial commitment to local community schemes and a well-established Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.


Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 3–18; 650 pupils, 340 day (200 boys, 140 girls), 310 boarding (190 boys, 120 girls). Senior department 11–18, 420 pupils (250 boys, 170 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16. Common Entrance and own tests used. For sixth form entry, 5 GCSE subjects at least grade C (grade B in English and sixth-form subjects). No special skills or religious requirements. State school entry 15%. Own prep department provides more than 75% of senior intake.

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
26–28 pa scholarships, value 20%–50% fees: 16 academic, 6 all-rounder, 3 sport, 2 art, 1 music (awarded at age 11, 13, 16 and prior to entry). 10 bursaries for existing pupils whose parents experience financial difficulty. Parents not expected to buy textbooks; average £50 other extras.

65+% live within 30 miles; 10% live overseas.

Head & staff

Headmaster: David Dowdles, in post since 1998. Educated at Douglas Academy, Glasgow, and Glasgow University. Previously Deputy Head at Bradfield, Lecturer in Modern Languages at Glasgow Caledonian University. Also set up a new school and lectured at various universities in Japan; Director of Studdert-Kennedy & Dowdles Educational Consultants Ltd; ISI Inspector; and background in international marketing with Glasgow Tourist Board.
Teaching staff: 90 full time, 15 part time. Annual turnover 5%. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 55 pupils in upper fifth: 87% gain at least grade C in 7+ subjects. Average GCSE score 51 (48 over 5 years).
A-levels: 60 in upper sixth: 97% pass in 3 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 285.

University & college entrance
95% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (10% after a gap year), 2% to Oxbridge. 5% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 35% in science & engineering, 43% in humanities & social sciences, 12% in art & design, 5% in other vocational subjects eg pharmacology, nursing, media studies. Others typically go on to HND or art foundation courses.

GCSE, AS and
A-levels: 19 subjects offered (including business studies, psychology, sports studies).
Sixth form: 40% take science A-levels; 35% arts/humanities; 25% both.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Special provision: Dyslexia unit and EFL teaching with qualified staff.
Languages: French (from age 5), German (from 13) and Spanish to GCSE and A-level. Visits to France and Germany; pupils from Germany and Spain in school.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons/week at all levels) and across the curriculum (eg for design and presentation in design technology, multimedia learning packages in languages and science, internet and CD research tasks in all subjects); all take GCSE short course. 70+ computers for pupil use (9 hours a day), all networked (including boarding houses) and with e-mail and internet access; many pupils own laptops.

The arts

Music: Over 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 6 musical groups including orchestra, concert band, stage band, clarinet choir, choir. Band has played at opening of new Safeway store, and receptions at Longleat and in Normandy; clarinet choir at Bembridge Music festival; choir tour to Denmark.
Drama: Drama offered. Some pupils are involved in school productions.
Art & design: On average, 16 take GCSE, 6 A-level. Design and textiles also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Soccer, rugby, cricket, hockey, athletics (boys), hockey, netball, athletics (girls). Optional: basketball, badminton, squash, cross-country, tennis, swimming, rounders, golf. County representation in hockey, athletics and cross-country.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; current expeditions to Iceland and Austria. CCF and community service optional. Over 30 clubs, eg computing, music and drama, aikido, various craft groups, school newspaper, shooting, electronics, cookery.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn except in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head boy and girl, head of house and house prefects – appointed by the Headmaster or house staff. School Council.
Religion: Daily assembly and Sunday morning chapel for boarders.
Social: Drama, debates, social service, mini-enterprise. Regular skiing trips. Some meals formal, some self-service. School shop. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect detention.

Sixth form have own study bedroom, others in dormitories of 2–4.
Single-sex houses of 35–60. Central dining rooms. Senior pupils can provide and cook own food. Exeats at half-term. Visits to local town allowed.

Former pupils
F Jaeger, C J Benjamin, E J Baddeley, F Bartholomew (actors); Ian Macdonald (racing driver); Thomas Arnold (headmaster); David Backhouse (sculptor); Lord Christopher Thynne; Major-General C E N Lomax; Major-General C H Foulkes; Admiral P H Hall-Thompson;
E J Davies (world long jump record holder); Grosvenor Thomas (painter); Major-General
Bryan Dutton.